刘子琪-家风-映帆歌曲试听下载-整首歌词曲明快,旋律优美、朗朗上口,是难得的一首佳作、一首正能量歌曲。歌曲名称:家风 艺人名称:刘子琪 歌曲语言:国语 歌曲风格:中国特色 宣传发行:映帆音乐 相关介绍: 歌曲《家风》由著名词作家刘子琪、薛沣洋作词,曲作家音乐人王艺歌作曲,中国人民武装警察部队政治工作部文工团歌唱演员刘子琪深情演唱。习近平总书记也多次在不同场合强调家风,说的是“小家”,着眼的是“大家”。家是最小国,国是千万家。家风的“家”,是家庭的“家”,也是国家的“家”。 家庭是社会的细胞。“家风好,就能家道兴盛、和顺美满;家风差,难免殃及子孙、贻害社会。”歌曲《家风》以“仁义礼智信、温良恭俭让”为创作元素,追“根”塑“魂”,无论是在歌词的创作、旋律的谱写、画面的拍摄,还是在整体的艺术手法上,都是通过以小见大的方式,从家庭层面上的尊老爱幼、父慈子孝、长幼有序、夫妻恩爱、兄友弟恭,崇尚“百善孝为先”“家和万事兴”;上升到社会层面上的诚实守信、互助友爱、与人为善、成人之美、社会和谐;升华到国家层面的国家和民族大义、为政清正廉洁、亲民爱民,崇尚“天下为公”“为政以德”“精忠报国”“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”以及在世界层面的强调民族之间要睦邻友好、以德服人、爱好和平,注重民族气节,崇尚“天下一家”“协和万邦”“讲信修睦”“和为贵”。这首歌曲契合了时代的发展,更符合新时代弘扬中国传统文化的大趋势。整首歌词曲明快,旋律优美、朗朗上口,是难得的一首佳作、一首正能量歌曲。 歌词: 《家风》 作词:刘子琪、薛沣洋 作曲:王艺歌 演唱:刘子琪 ——中英文对照歌词—— 家风国风 Family and National Traditions 仁义礼智信 Humanity, justice, propriety, wisdom and integrity 家风传古今 Were handed down from ancient to modern times. 传的是德为本 It’s virtue oriented. 传的是善作魂 And goodness based. 温良恭俭让 Gentle, modest and courteous, 家风在传承 Family traditions are being handed down. 传的是俭修身 It’s frugality 传的是廉为根 And honesty based. 家风正 Upright family and 国风正 National traditions 千古文明在传承 Eternal civilization is being handed down. 家风兴 Family?and national 国风兴 Traditions rise up. 同心同德万事兴 Everything is successful with one heart and one mind. 家风和 Peaceful family and 国风和 National traditions 家和国和天下和 Family, national and world peace. 家风兴 Family and national 国风兴 traditions rise up. 家兴国兴天下兴 Family, national and the world prosperity. 仁义礼智信 Humanity, justice, propriety, wisdom and integrity 家风传古今 Were handed down from ancient to modern times. 传的是德为本 It’s virtue oriented. 传的是善作魂 And goodness based. 温良恭俭让 Gentle, modest and courteous, 家风在传承 Family traditions are being handed down. 传的是俭修身 It’s frugality 传的是廉为根 And honesty based. 家风正 Upright family and 国风正 National traditions 千古文明在传承 Eternal civilization is being handed down. 家风兴 Family?and national 国风兴 Traditions rise up. 同心同德万事兴 Everything is successful with one heart and one mind. 家风和 Peaceful family and 国风和 National traditions 家和国和天下和 Family, country and world peace. 家风兴 Family and national 国风兴 traditions rise up. 家兴国兴天下兴 Family, national and the world prosperity. 家风和 Peaceful family and 国风正 Upright and national traditions 千古文明在传承 Eternal civilization is being handed down. 家风兴 Family?and national 国风兴 Traditions rise up. 同心同德万事兴 Everything is successful with one heart and one mind. 家风和 Peaceful family and 国风和 National traditions 家和国和天下和 Family, national and world peace. 家风兴 Family and national 国风兴 traditions rise up. 家兴国兴天下兴 Family, national and the world prosperity. 家兴国兴天下兴 Family, national and the world prosperity. |